OCR STEP Mathematics (Sixth Term Examinations Paper) Examiners
United Kingdom
OCR are looking to recruit a team of examiners to mark the STEP Mathematics (Sixth Term Examination Paper) this summer.
STEP is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test candidates on questions that are similar in style to undergraduate mathematics.There are two STEP examinations, STEP 2 and STEP 3. Students are usually required to sit either one or both of the examinations, depending on the requirements of the universities they have applied to. You can find out more about STEP Mathematics here.
To be eligible to mark STEP Mathematics you need to meet the following criteria:
- Be a current or former Mathematics PhD student or a student who has just completed part III.
- If you are a PhD student you will need permission from your supervisor.
- Be a resident in the UK (Unfortunately we cannot consider you if you are currently on a student visa).
- Be available for approximately seven hours per day throughout the marking period.
Marking windows are 30th June to 7th July for STEP 2 and 9th July to 16th July for STEP 3
Marking will be carried out remotely and all training and communications will be online, so you can mark the exams from home.You will need access to your own personal computer and an internet connection (please note you cannot use a public computer or public WiFi while undertaking the marking).
Successful applicants will receive an invitation to attend a remote training session via Microsoft Teams in June, before the marking starts. The session will give you an overview of the marking process, an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the marking platform, and offer practice marking opportunities. You will be paid a fee for attending the training and for those unable to attend the live session, a recording of the training will be made available after the meeting. Each marking team will be responsible for marking one or two questions on each paper. A mark scheme will be provided to you, and a marking supervisor will be present to oversee your team and help with any questions or concerns during the marking process.
As a STEP Mathematics examiner, you will be paid £21.00 per hour for marking. Typically a day’s work consists of approximately seven hours of marking time. However, we understand that some examiners may prefer to work shorter or longer hours based on their availability. We can be flexible and work with you if you communicate your availability to us before the start of marking.
If you have any questions, please email examiner.recruitment@ocr.org.uk.