As one of the major UK exam boards, OCR is responsible for creating and marking exams taken by over a million learners each year, providing GCSEs and A Levels in over 40 subjects, and over 450 vocational qualifications. We work with over 10,000 examiners and assessors, over 90% of whom are teachers or ex-teachers, who create and mark our exams.

The roles of Examiner and Moderator are just two of the many roles available when working with OCR.

We will need you to have strong subject knowledge, and be educated to degree level, but we also value professionalism through the following: 

  • A positive attitude. 
  • Ability to contribute within a team, sometimes in a virtual environment. 
  • Consideration of others through collaboration, flexibility, honesty, supportiveness. 
  • Respect for agreed deadlines. 

We welcome applications from NQT’s and PGCE students who have completed 100 hours teaching experience.  In fact assessing with OCR can be a great help in your early career, giving you a deeper insight into the specification and what is required of your students.

Find out more about OCR

Joining the OCR team of Assessment Specialists will:

  • Fit around your existing home and work life commitments.
  • Enhance your teaching skills by helping you gain an understanding of the examination process for your subject area.
  • Enable you to better support your students in their learning and development, and improve their results


Current opportunities

You can visit the Opportunities section of this site to view all the latest vacancies. Select Show more options and under Business Unit select OCR to view our current vacancies.

More Information

For more information about what some of our Assessment Specialists do and what is required from them please visit our OCR website by clicking below.